Saturday, February 22, 2020

Art response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Art response - Essay Example Art theory is a factor that is very relevant to this country since the interpretation is not uniform and there is need to evaluate the relevance of each work presented in museum to form part of the cultural heritage. Successful evaluation requires in-depth understanding of content and context in which the work is relevant. It is important to note that various theories of criticism have been formulated by scholars to ensure that all the elements of art are applied relevantly in any production. The context in which the piece of art is established determines its application and serves to bring out the meaning in simpler way. For the works of art to portray the actual picture of the social context in which they are set, various critical analysis tools have been applied as in the case of the museum in Denver, USA. Another important aspect of American Art is the expression of the aesthetic values present in the pieces. USA has a wide variety of art and therefore serves as the center of anc ient studies on history and art. Art as shown from the past drawings and sculptors sets emotional status and therefore gives the real context and setting in which it was taken. Considering some of the artifacts found in the museums, it is worth to note that the emotional aspect of the works makes the viewer create a picture of the setting and context in which it is relevant. A collection of various pieces of art presents diverse abstraction which has remained a critical aspect of art. In the modern society, creative art still incorporates the ancient concepts in expressing the scene, meaning and context for the piece of art. It is important to note that art stands for past events which are useful in defining the lifestyle observed on a given society. The common saying that a picture speaks a thousand words asserts that artistic pieces say more. The posture, facial expression and other decorations gives detailed information about the moral concepts being conveyed. It is common to see the drawings painted in different colors and texture differentiated with a main aim of creating a particular impression. This is the reason behind the multiple colors, textual indentation and varied body features expression found in various artifacts kept in museums across United States. American art is not limited to artifacts but also written history. The complex social structure of the modern United States can be attributed to the Red Indian community and the immigrants who cumulatively formed the Amerindians. There is great history that covers the ancient tribes that inhabited the modern day United States. The story of art in this country dates many years back but some of the outstanding monuments like The Twins meets the Gods of Xibabla (The underworld), cylindrical vase e.593-830 CE among others gives a long period of art and history development ranging from 16,000 to date. Taking the Mayan tribe as an example, the art they left behind has been a ground for research study on the ancient American society and their way of life. The modern American society traces its roots from a very complex cultural fusion which is always exhibited in form of art. Some of the writings, paintings, drawings left behind and collected for stewardship in museums are important as far as the development of ancient art is concerned. Other art forms

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Social Thought and Social Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Social Thought and Social Change - Essay Example Several theorists have contributed to the comprehensive view of social change, not confining the understanding of social change as associated with globalization alone. Of these theorists come three of the pillars of sociology, whose thoughts have been applied even today. These theorists include Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim. Their concepts might have some strands of divergence, yet these concepts were converged to forming a single praxis for academic integration. According to Daniel Bell (1999 cited in Kalantzis & Kope, 2008), a sociologist from Harvard University, â€Å"post-industrial society† is a term coined to refer to â€Å"new principles of innovations, new modes of social organization, and [the emergence of the] new classes in society†¦ [highly featuring] the codification of theoretical knowledge and the new relation of science to technology.† In addition, the post-industrial society is also characterized by a rapid-growing service sector with a focus on information dissemination and modern technological drives that utilize extensively human knowledge and not human muscles (Bell, 1973, p.127). During Marx’s time, the dominating classes involved in the production system are the proletariats and the bourgeoisie, with the latter own the means of production. In the post-industrial society, a large and a growing number of workers are working not in factories of goods production but in service industries, all of wh ich are using their intellects and technical capabilities instead of physical strength. This class of workers, most are professionals, are what Bell calls the new class.