Wednesday, May 6, 2020

AIDS Essay examples - 1537 Words

Research Paper: AIDS Did you know that in the United States of America the sixth leading cause of death in people from their mid 20’s through their mid 40’s is AIDS (Zuger, 2010)? AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and is a disease derived from the virus known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The immune system gets broken down when someone has AIDS and it is basically the highest form of HIV. When a person has HIV, the CD4 cells get infected and start to deteriorate and once the CD4 count is below 200, the person is considered to have AIDS rather than HIV (â€Å"Living†, 2005). Not many people know that AIDS is extremely prevalent in the world because it is not spoken about in society as much as it used to be when it first†¦show more content†¦Some women encounter vaginal itching, discharge, pain and irritation, which heighten the risk of passing on the virus to others (Cunningham, 2000). Though there are many signs and symptoms for HIV/AIDS, it is possible for a patient to have little to no symptoms at all within the first ten years of having it (Zuger, 2010). Having no symptoms is more of a curse than a blessing because if the person infected does not know they have anything wrong, they will not seek medical help. This is horrible considering it is better to start getting treated as soon as possible to stay as healthy as possible for longer while having HIV/AIDS. Another reason it would be better to have symptoms is because since it is attacking the immune system, it is destroying the lymph node glands that are trying to fight off the infection and the sooner a person can find out, the sooner they can start salvaging their lymph nodes so they can help fight off future, less severe infections. Not having any signs of HIV/AIDS is harmful because the weaker immune system a person has, the more likely it is for them to get something like pneumonia which is extremely lif e threatening even in someone who is healthy. Without taking an HIV test, it is impossible to determine whether or not these symptoms are because the patient is affected with HIV or if they have something else that is wrong. There are many tests that can be used to figure out if a person is infected but the most common one is theShow MoreRelatedHiv / Aids And Aids1356 Words   |  6 PagesJust about two decades ago, HIV/AIDS pandemic was the only thing that is mentioned in social media (Gus â€Å"Introduction to HIV/AIDS†). Proved to be originally from Sub Saharan Africa (S.S Africa) region, HIV/AIDS has spread throughout not only the S.S. Africa, but it eventually becomes the global disaster in the late 20th century (Gus). 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However, it should also be noted that countries around the world are all at risk of HIV/AIDS infection through the migration of people to their region. HIV/AIDS is a much more prominent health co ncern characterizing sub Saharan Africa because of the treatment of womenRead MoreHiv / Aids And Aids1474 Words   |  6 PagesEach individual’s experience with the contraction of HIV/AIDS varies in terms of being personal or family related. HIV/AIDS has been a longstanding health issue affecting sub Saharan Africa. However, countries around the world are all susceptible to having a heightened risk of HIV/AIDS infections spread to their regions through the migration of people. HIV/AIDS is a health concern characterizing sub Saharan Africa because of the treatment of women in society, extreme poverty resulting in the lackRead MoreHiv And Aids : Aids1606 Words   |  7 PagesINTRODUCTION Hello, today we are discussing HIV and AIDS. This disease is known as a severe decline in one’s immune system resulting in a decreased ability to resist infection and malignancy. A lot of people ask what the difference between HIV and AIDS is. HIV is the virus that causes the disease AIDS. With this being said, I will now discuss some objectives that that will be covered throughout this lecture that I hope will help guide you as well as help you have a better understanding of the progression

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