Thursday, December 26, 2019

Women s Suffrage By Susan B. Anthony Essay - 1635 Words

Woman s Suffrage was the struggle for woman s right to vote and run for office. The mid 19th- Century women in different countries formed organizations to fight for suffrage. The first international woman s rights organization formed the International Council of Women (ICW) in 1888. In 1904, the International Woman Suffrage Alliance (IWSA) was formed by British woman s rights activist Millicent Fawcett, American activist Carrie Chapman Catt, and other leading woman s right activists. Susan B. Anthony played a huge role in the woman s suffrage, she had traveled around the country to give speeches, circulate petitions, and organize local woman s rights organization. Her family moved to Rochester, New York in 1845 and they became active in the antislavery movement. The antislavery Quakers met at their farm almost every Sunday, where Fredrick Douglass and William Lloyd Garrison sometimes joined. Susan was working as a teacher and became involved in the teacher s union when she discovere d that male teachers had a monthly salary of S10.00, while the female teachers earned $2.50 a month. Her sister and parents both attended the 1848 Rochester Woman s Rights Convention held on August 2. Her experience with the teacher s union, antislavery, and Quaker upbringing, made her realize that it was time for a career in woman s rights reform to grow. Her career began when she met Cady Stanton in Seneca Falls in 1851, Susan began her interest in the woman s rights afterShow MoreRelatedWomen s Suffrage By Susan B. Anthony891 Words   |  4 Pagesfamous and most powerful movement is â€Å"Women’s Suffrage†. The movement of women that call for their right to vote. Susan B. Anthony, the woman who influences in progress of women’s suffrage. Belief of Anthony effect on American society. Belief that everyone in society should be equal and she believe that she can create this equality. Anthony devoted herself to fight for women and to be the leader of womenâ€℠¢s suffrage. She can be the principle of women’s suffrage because problem of her family that made herRead MoreThe Women s Suffrage By Susan B. Anthony1195 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Trust me that as I ignore all law to help the slave, so will I ignore it all to protect an enslaved woman.† This quote by Susan B. Anthony, stated during the women’s suffrage movement, illustrates the hypocrisy women faced during the late 1800’s. Furthermore, it displays that women’s rights can be compared to that of an enslaved human being instead of a free United States citizen. Throughout American history gender inequality has been a prevalent, ongoing, concern. Sherna Berger Gluck’s novel, FromRead MoreWomen s Suffrage By Susan B. Anthony1724 Words   |  7 Pages â€Å"Women, we might as well be dogs baying the moon as petitioners without the right to vote!† These were the famous words of a key leader in the women’s Suffrage Movement, Susan B. Anthony. In the past, the rights guaranteed to men were not applied to women, and therefore caused great injustice. It wasn’t until the mid-1800s that women started to take a stand and fight for their voting rights. As a result, these actions caused a positive impact in our country and now, women have equal rights as menRead MoreWomen s Suffrage Movement : Susan B. Anthony1698 Words   |  7 Pages Men and women are supposed to be equals. Women are supposed to share equal rights and opportunities with males, but sometimes women experience discrimination and face inequality. (It’s not only women; people of different genders/sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, and etc. face discrimination still to this day). Some look at this world as if it is a man’s world, and women were put on this Earth to help their husband, have kids, and raise their children. Well, women can do more than that! Not onlyRead MoreWomen s Suffrage By Susan B. Anthony Silver Dollar967 Words   |  4 Pagesthe immense contributions of the American women’s suffrage leaders by adding their likeness to at least one of our pieces of currency. The Susan B. Anthony silver dollar had a short but awkward run from 1979-1981 and again in 1999 before production halted. In recent months, there have been discussions about replacing President Jackson on the $20 bill with someone else. Why not the three leading women who devoted their lives to the rights of women voters and changed the course of American historyRead MoreFeminism : The Advocacy Of Women s Rights On The Basis Of Equality1645 Words   |  7 Pages- the advocacy of women s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.† Throughout history women have been perceived as these docile,fragile,and inferior type of people. Men were supposed to be the ones in charge and women were meant to follow along. These women back in the day were conditioned to believe that their place was at home being a good little housewife to their husbands. Women’s thoughts and opinions did not hold the same value as that of a man. There were women that were just fineRead MoreSusan B . Anthony : An American Icon1462 Words   |  6 PagesSusan B. Anthony Susan B. Anthony was a born a fighter she never stopped protesting the morally incorrect in her first years to her last she fought for equality. Susan B. Anthony is an American icon known for her work with the Women Suffrage Movement she influenced the American culture and brought all American women a better future. Her legacy sculpted feminism and helped the community pave the way to equality. Susan B. Anthony was born an activist her family being involved in the Anti-SlaveryRead MoreCult of True Womanhood: Womens Suffrage1299 Words   |  6 PagesIn the 1840’s, most of American women were beginning to become agitated by the morals and values that were expected of womanhood. â€Å"Historians have named this the ’Cult of True Womanhood’: that is, the idea that the only ‘true’ woman was a pious, submissive wife and mother concerned exclusively with home and family† ( Voting was only the right of men, but women were on the brink to let their voices be heard. Women pioneers such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott wrote elevenRead MoreSusan B Anthony : A Strong Sense Of Moral Sense875 Words   |  4 PagesSusan B Anthony Susan B Anthony was born on February 1820, to a Quaker family in Massachusetts. She was the second oldest of eight children, and her parents were owners of a cotton mill. Sadly, two of the Anthony siblings died in infancy and only six of them grew up to be adults. Moving on with their life, the Anthony family moved to New York around 1826, and Susan was sent to a Quaker School near Philadelphia. Susan B Anthony returned home in the 1830s to help her family after the breakdown ofRead MoreThe Heroic Of Women Rights807 Words   |  4 PagesThe Heroic of Women Rights In the early eighteen century in Canajoharie New York, Susan B. Anthony, a teacher discovered that men and women have different hourly wages. This commotion made Susan B. Anthony and other female to join the â€Å"teacher union to fight for equal wages.† (â€Å"SusanBAnthony† par.5) Nevertheless there was one problem, - Susan B Anthony continued to fight for the teacher union actively but she had to end her career as a teacher. Under the circumstances, Susan B Anthony had taken a role

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Date Rape Essay - 977 Words

Date rape happens a lot when people are in college, more women than men but it’s still something that happens more than it should and I ask what are the colleges doing on campus to prevent this from happening to more college students. I think that colleges are trying to stop date rape from happening as best as they can but I also believe there is a lot more they could be doing to try and stop date rape. College students shouldn’t have to worry about going out on a date, party, or just to a bar for drinks with their friends. They have to watch their drinks and they shouldn’t take the drinks that people try and give them if they didn’t see the person make the drink or get it. Because they could of put a date rape drug in†¦show more content†¦I’m sure there are a lot more date rape drugs that people use. The drugs that I talked about are very powerful, they can affect you very quickly without even know that you are drugged. The alcohol makes t hat drugs even stronger and can also cause serious health problems or even death. (wonenshealth) â€Å"Rohypnol The effects of Rohypnol can be felt within 30 minutes of being drugged and can last for several hours. If you are drugged, you might look and act like someone who is drunk. You might have trouble standing. Your speech might be slurred. Or you might pass out. Rohypnol can cause these problems: Muscle relaxation or loss of muscle control, Difficulty with motor movements, Drunk feeling, Problems talking, Nausea, Cant remember what happened while drugged, Loss of consciousness (black out), Confusion, Problems seeing, Dizziness, Sleepiness, Lower blood pressure, Stomach problems, Death. GHB GHB takes effect in about 15 minutes and can last 3 or 4 hours. It is very potent: A very small amount can have a big effect. So its easy to overdose on GHB. Most GHB is made by people in home or street labs. So, you dont know whats in it or how it will affect you. GHB can cause these problems: Relaxation, Drowsiness, Dizziness, Nausea, Problems seeing, Loss of consciousness (black out), Seizures, Cant remember what happened while drugged, Problems breathing, Tremors, Sweating, Vomiting, Slow heart rate, Dream-like feeling, Coma,Show MoreRelatedDate Rape Essay1744 Words   |  7 PagesRape defined is forcing sexual intercourse upon someone without his or her consent. This isn’t just a girls’ problem, boys have to deal with this too. According to the American Psychological Association, nearly one in ten girls and one in twenty boys say they have been raped or experienced some form of sexual assault (Atlanta Journal, 1). Almost more than half of rape victims know their a ttacker; they don’t report it or tell anybody. In most date rape cases, the attacker and victim have known eachRead MoreWhat Is Date Rape? Essay1425 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is date rape? Date rape is forcible sexual intercourse by a male or female friend of a woman or man, during a voluntary social engagement in which the woman or man did not intend to submit to the sexual advances and fought the acts by verbal refusals or denials to stop, and/or physical resistance. What would you do if someone blamed you for something you did not want to do? This type of act usually happens in college campuses and is critically difficult to prove in a court case. Victim blamingRead MoreDate Rape in the Philippines11669 Words   |  47 PagesChapter I Introduction â€Å"He said he loved me†, â€Å"I woke up without any clothes on, I couldn’t remember†, â€Å"I thought we were friends†. These are just some of the phrases that a lot of rape victims have reiterated. Women that have long been taken advantage of for men’s sexual pleasure, it is the same in every country, not just in the Philippines. Women have been fighting all throughout their history to gain equality, to rise from oppression, to release themselves from male domination, that fight isRead MoreDate Rape Essay1124 Words   |  5 Pagesand this time she cannot resist. He’s too strong, he’s too big and he won’t stop for nothing. Date Rape is a forced sexual intercourse, which includes a victim, and often times the person the victim is familiar with. The fact that the victim knows the attacker makes it difficult for the victim to identify the attacker as dangerous. Date/Acquaintance rape accounts for 84% of all reported rapes. Many believe that when a man gets sexually aroused he cannot control himself. This is not exactlyRead MoreAnalysis Of On Date Rape789 Words   |  4 PagesAnalysis â€Å"On Date Rape† According to the article in the first paragraph, the writer is confused when she says that dating is the recent phenomena in the history. When the readers access this material, they expect to see recent years, but the writer continues and speaks of the years 1964. To be frank, that is a long time ago, and it means that dating didn’t just start recently. There are some of the weaknesses pointed out in the writing of this paragraph. The writer makes the readers believe thatRead MoreDate Rape Essay2324 Words   |  10 PagesDate rape is not a rare incident that only happens in isolated situations. In fact, surveys indicate that in 84% of rape cases, the victim knew the attacker, and 57% of rapes occurred on dates (Warshaw 11). However, what is even more surprising than these high statistics is that most incidents of date rape go unreported. Several theories exist that try to explain this phenomenon. For example, many women may refuse to believe that their friend raped them. In fact, they could eventually convinceRead MoreEssay Date Rape865 Words   |  4 PagesDate Rape Every two minutes, somewhere in the world, someone is sexually assaulted. Of these approximately 248,000 victims, about 87,000 were victims of completed rape, and 70,000 were victims of sexual assault. Up to 4,315 pregnancies may have resulted from these attacks. Calculations based on the (National Crime Victimization Survey). Rape is often misunderstood. For one reason rapist are usually portrayed as a stranger, his motivation is entirely sexual, and the victim is always a youngRead MoreEssay Date Rape890 Words   |  4 PagesDate Rape When people hear the word rape they might imagine a stranger leaping out from the shadows of a dark alley and attacking someone. Although this is partly true, most rapes are committed by people who know their victims. When intercourse is unwanted and forced upon by someone you know, it is known as â€Å" date rape.† It occurs daily and is prevalent on virtually all college campuses across the nation and in cities all over the world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Date rape generally occurs when a man isRead More The Tragedy of Date Rape988 Words   |  4 PagesExemplary Essay - The Tragedy of Date Rape In the fall of 1995, Kristin Cooper was a sophomore at Baker University in Kansas. She was a member of Alpha Chi Omega, an expert skier from the mountains of Colorado, a swimmer, and was active in band, choir and drama. On the night of New Years Eve of that same year, her mother Andrea Cooper came home to find Kristina dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head on the family room floor. Cooper shared the story of her daughters last monthsRead MoreA Closer Look at Date Rape944 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"Feminism has not prepared them for this,† states Camille Paglia in her essay â€Å"Rape: A Bigger Danger than Feminists Know.† The â€Å"them† in Paglia’s statement is referring to women, and she is discussing the topic of date rape. Susan Jacoby, on the other hand, writes in her article â€Å"Common Decency,† that feminism is not responsible for the rising cases of date rape, but that it is the men who are at fault. Paglia’s argument is insightful and accurate, but Jacoby’s writing is flawed and not

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Rocking Horse Winner and The Crucible free essay sample

A comparative analysis of D.H. Lawrences The Rocking Horse Winner and Arthur Millers The Crucible. This essay compares and contrasts the D.H. Lawrence short story The Rocking Horse Winner with Arthur Millers play, The Crucible. Love and hate, sin and forgiveness are the themes explored in this comparative analysis. The short story by D.H. Lawrence and the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller are worlds apart in time and place. The Rocking Horse takes place in England in more modern times, while the Crucible is in Salem, Massachusetts in the 1700s. Yet despite this there are some similarities in the theme of both. The Rocking-Horse Winner is a short story. The mother feels no real love for her husband or children. All she wants is money. That is her only love and the only affection she wants. The boy realizes this and attempts to give his mother what she wants most. We will write a custom essay sample on The Rocking Horse Winner and The Crucible or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As the people accused of witchcraft in Salem are isolated, so is the child as he rides his rocking horse to find the name of the winner of the race. The mother is greedy and heartless. The ministers and judges in the Crucible are greedy and money is their God.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Young Peoples Development from Birth to 19 Years free essay sample

Startle reflex- when babies hear a sudden sound or see a bright light, they move their arms outwards, and clenching their fists Walking and standing- when babies are held upright with their feet on a firm surface, they usually make stepping movements Falling reflex- babies will stretch out arms suddenly and clasp inwards if they feel they are falling Babies start to develop strong bonds with primary carers Baby stares at mother when feeding 1 month; Maybe appearing less curled up and more relaxed, starting to settle into a pattern. Sleeping a lot but gradually starting to spend more time awake Cry to communicate Babies learning about parents or carers, may stop crying when they hear their soothing voices Babies may stop crying when picked up, but start crying when put down Relaxing at bath time and when nappies are changed Fleeting smiles when babies are asleep Coos when babies are content 3 months; Babies at 3 months are growing in height and weight Some babies may have learned the difference between day and night and are able to sleep through the night Babies are crying less , sleeping less during the day and being more alert Smiling quite often, and bodies are developing; lifting head up and look about when they are put on their tummies Excitement when it is time to be fed Interested in their fingers and toes Smiling back when they are seeing a smiling face Starting to notice objects and mobiles around them 6 months; Babies at 6 months are learning and have learned many skills, they are very alert and turn their heads to see what is happening. We will write a custom essay sample on Young Peoples Development from Birth to 19 Years or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They enjoy playing and show it by smiling and squealing. They can now reach out and grab a toy and move it from one hand to another. They are exploring objects and materials they find interesting. Babies will start to try and communicate with you. They enjoy their food and may try to feed themselves by grabbing a spoon. They might be getting their first teeth so will be chewing on different objects. Babies are getting stronger, they can sit up with support and are able to roll over. They can push themselves up with their hands if they lie on their fronts. Enjoyment when simple games/songs are repeated Arms lifting to show a parent or carer they want to be picked up Curiosity as babies are looking to see what is happening Babbling and laughing , and different cries according to whether the baby is tired, bored or hungry 9 months; Trying to stay near their parent or carer Strings of babbling Using fingers to feed Exploring objects using hands and mouth Passing objects from one hand to another Reaching over to pick up an object Crawling or rolling Sitting up with no support They are learning what some key words mean, they may get excited when they hear words like drink and dinner. 1 year; Standing up and holding onto furniture Waving goodbye and hello Fingers pointing to objects to draw an adults attention to them Tuneful babbling that sounds like talking Small objects being picked up and handled Repetitive play as the babies enjoy doing something over and over again Babies start to recognise routines of the day, for example, becoming excited when they hear the bath water being put on or have bibs on. Babies are able to feed themselves with their fingers 18 months; Children are walking up and down stairs with adult help Less babbling and more recognisable words, for example no, come, go, drink, bye etc.. Signs of temper and frustration Eagerness for independence- trying to feed themselves with a spoon Enjoyment of pop up and posting toys Sitting and pushing off with their legs on sit and ride toys Determines to try things by themselves Interest in other children Awareness of where their parents are and what they are doing 2 years; Enjoying songs and dancing to music Pointing to pictures of familiar objects and naming them Anger and frustration if they cannot do what they want to do Delight and happiness when they are enjoying something Keen to show things to adults Playing on sit and ride toys Running and climbing Building with bricks, doing simple jigsaw puzzles Some children moving out of nappies Likely to have around two hundred words in their vocabulary Starting to enjoy pretend play, taking an empty cup and drinking from it or giving a teddy a hug They are showing individuality They know what they want to do, touch and hold They can move confidently and enjoy doing things for themselves Terrible twos- frustration 2 1/2 years; Still keen to be independent, and they may find it hard to wait and understand why they cannot always have what they see or do what they want. Language is starting to develop more quickly, and some children are starting to use sentences while others are putting two words together to express ideas Childrens developing physical skills combined with their determination can mean they will go to extremes to get hold of an object, ie; standing on tables, moving chairs etc.. Playing more with other children of their own age, or playing alongside others Pretend playing and play with small words becomes popular, along with tricycles, slides and climbing frames Still wanting adult attention and enjoy snuggling up for cuddles, and helping adults Separation from parents can still be difficult unless they know who they are staying with Toilet training may start, and with the children who are ready, they can be out of nappies within a few days Copying other childrens actions Turning pages in books and pointing out objects 3 years; Able to use the toilet Enjoy dressing up and playing with small world toys Keen to help and copy adults Interested in other children and some co-operative play Able to walk on alternate feet Interested in mark making, painting and books Enjoyment in sand and water play Speech that adults who do not know the child can understand 4 years; Children who are settled into a routine of a setting are able to separate from their parents easily Co-operative play between children along with squabbles and arguments Responding well to adult praise and recognition Seeking out particular playmates Asking questions and enjoying talking Speech and pretend play that models adult life Riding on tricycles, climbing and enjoying simple ball games Drawings that have meaning for the child and are recognisable Skilful use of the hands to do activities such as threading, pouring and using scissors Concentration when an activity has caught their interest Enjoy singing and knowing some nursery rhymes 5-6 years; Enjoyment of jokes Beginning to work out some words they see often Keen to understand and use rules, for example that the child has to wait for his or her turn Some friendship preferences Ability to kick and control a ball Better formed handwriting and increased fine manipulative movements 7-9 years; Clear differences in play activities that interest boys and girls Co-operative play with children having stable friendships Verbal arguments, persuasion and negotiation Telling jokes and enjoying chatting Play that involves turn taking Enjoyment of playing and making up games with rules Understanding of rules and consequences Children who tell others the rules and are keen to point out when the rules have been broken Skilful, precise and confident hand movements, for example detailed drawing, colouring and making models Co-ordinated physical moments including aiming and throwing a ball Beginning to read books silently Writing short stories and text with less adult help required Painting, drawing and making models independently Enjoyment of stories, imaginative play and small world play 9-11 years; Detailed and representational pictures where children enjoy drawing Stories and writing that shows imagination well Problem solving Strong and consistent play preferences Enthusiasm when given areas of responsibility 11-13 years Enjoyment when with their friends Growth and changes to their bodies More confidence around the hoe and in familiar situations Arguments with the parents as children start to become independent Times when children are frown up and times when they enjoy childish activities, for example; sitting on a swing, watching cartoons, playing games 13-16 years; Confidence and enjoyment when with friends Thoughts and ideas that are different to their parents Uncertainty about themselves High level of skill in some subjects; for example drawing and painting, using computers Mood swings 16-19 years; Adulthood Choices to make with regards to future/ colleges Stress with school, GCSES Big fall outs with family Getting peer pressured to have a boyfriend and do drugs, alcohol, sex etc.. Mood swings

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Probable vs. Possible

Probable vs. Possible Probable vs. Possible Probable vs. Possible By Mark Nichol What’s the difference between probable and possible? Strictly speaking, they’re unrelated, but in popular usage, their distinction is merely one of degree. Possible the noun form is possibility means â€Å"having the potential.† (Potential, along with the latter word’s root, potent, shares an etymological origin with the former word.) Possible stems from the Latin term possibilis, which derives in turn from posse, which means â€Å"power† or â€Å"to be able.† Posse itself was borrowed into English from the Medieval Latin phrase posse comitatus, which literally means â€Å"power of the county.† (This term, later shortened to posse, referred to the authority of a local official to conscript men to respond to an emergency; such a deputized detail features in many works of filmed or printed fiction in the western genre, but now, the term is most commonly heard as a jocular slang synonym for a celebrity’s entourage or retinue or anyone’s group of friends.) Probable, which means â€Å"likely,† comes from the Latin term probabilis, which itself stems from probare, meaning â€Å"to approve, prove, or test.† Related words referring to the first sense include approbation and probity; prove itself is akin to probable, as is probe. Probability is the term for the branch of mathematics dealing with chance and is used in logic to refer to the degree to which two statements confirm each other. Probable refers to what is likely to be done, to occur, or to be true; possible refers to what can be done, to occur, or to be true. If you say something is probable, you are expressing more confidence about it than if you state that it is possible. But the distinction is significant: It is possible, for example, for anyone to become fabulously wealthy, but the probability is infinitely variable. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely?Is There a Reason â€Å"the Reason Why† Is Considered Wrong?How Long Should a Synopsis Be?

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Skulking Way of War by Patrick M. Malone essays

The Skulking Way of War by Patrick M. Malone essays "The Skulking Way of War" is an examination of the culture of warfare of the Native Americans in Southern New England during the period of 1600-1677. This academic work is mainly a chronicle of the technological developments and advancements of the Southern New England Native tribes and how European influence and trade acted as the catalyst. Moreover, it investigates the military tactics used by the Natives during this period and how they developed over time with the arrival of the Europeans and how their influence transformed the Indian concept of war. At the beginning of this book, Malone states that technology has been the most influential component in shaping warfare from the beginning of time. It has had a dominant role in sculpting and evolving the way military's have fought and will fight wars between each other. Those who lack the technological superiority in battle will have the disadvantage, and most likely will be wiped out. Technology is a limiting factor. That is, warfare is limited by a militarys technological abilities. Malone introduces one more component that shapes warfare and is especially cardinal when examining the Southern New England Indian warfare, and that is geography. In the exploration of the transformation of Native warfare in New England, Malone integrates two major wars between the colonists and the New England Indians: the Pequot War and King Philips War. Through analysis of these two wars, a distinction can be seen in the way in which they were fought by the Indians and the true impact European technology and tactics had on Indian warfare. Before Malone dives into the real analysis, he describes the trouble in such exploration of the past and the affect it has on a study like this. Unlike the English, The Native Americans in New England had no written accounts of their lives which would help us understand truly their way of thinking when it came to warfare. Although archaeologica...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What is happiness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

What is happiness - Essay Example In the summer, when I sit in the grass and feel the sun warm your skin, testing the water temperature with my feet. In the autumn, I can see the red maple leaves falling from the trees. In the winter, I feel the crispness of the air on your face and hearing the crunch of snow under your feet. All of the sense makes me feel happy. Happiness, for me, also includes travel experiences. I saw some beautiful scenery I had not seen before, I could taste different foods, and I tried some new things. Last summer, I traveled to Nepal and tried paragliding. When I was gliding in the sky, I felt free like a bird and flew the clouds clear my mind. I felt happiness in that moment. Imagine how it feels when you have a chance to fly in the sky. Do you think you will have the same sense of freedom as me? Some people think happiness means keeping up with the Joneses. However, for me, I do think happiness is measured by wealth. Many people in the world have excessive wealth. They use the money to buy a number of cars and build mansion to show their status in the society. Even though they have everything they desire, they still want to be happy. For example, Guangxu was one of the emperors in Qing dynasty. He had status, money, women but he still felt miserable due to the failure to control his life. He could do everything his grandmother wanted him do. On the other hand, a famous Chinese man who lived during Second World War gave up the rich life and the chance to be a doctor to become a poor writer. Although he lived a poor life, he never regrets. Instead, he was happy as his work could bring great change to the society. Chinese people’s minds about propaganda, he helped to bring about the revolution of China. This is the reason I believe that happiness is having enough to sur vive comfortably. Friends play an important role in our life. We cannot be happy without friends. Studying alone

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Jewish Sabbath Laws and the Practice of Jesus Thesis

Jewish Sabbath Laws and the Practice of Jesus - Thesis Example Evidently, Jesus found nothing unusual about partaking in the religious and cultural practices of his community, and what made the difference was that the strict legalistic interpretation and the practice of the law was not his prime objective when adhering to the Jewish law. Referring to the views of Giorgio Jossa, Stuart argues that there existed a distinct difference in Jesus’ teaching and it was partial regarding the practice of Sabbath. The author points out that Jesus’ views were distinct and unique from those of others in terms of keeping laws (145-147). Most people consider the Sabbath as the day on which Jews refrain from all sorts of work so as to comply with God’s law. However, in real sense (though often undermined), Sabbath is a day of great joy, celebration and rest rather than a day for learning the rules and keeping them. In other words, it is a day on which the Jews can relax being with family, study, pray, and reflect. The Hebrew word  Shabbat  actually means â€Å"rest†. According to Torah, which is the main source of information on Sabbath laws, the celebration of Sabbath intends the remembrance of two important events; the creation of the world and the Israel’s liberation from Egypt. These two events indeed are the central aspects of the Jewish belief, and according to the tradition, people ought to remember those events avoiding all kinds of usual activities. Admittedly, the day is more important than a normal holiday, and hence the restrictions on activities on the Sabbath are also a bit stricter. The prohibited activities include but not limited to cooking,  washing clothes, building, mending, writing, cutting, making a fire, fishing, climbing trees. Obviously, many of the listed activities need extensive interpretation to figure out what they actually stand for or to what extent they are applicable in the present day religious practices.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Abandonment Of The Jews Essay Example for Free

Abandonment Of The Jews Essay David S. Wyman, the author of Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust, seems to be a well-educated and interesting man. Wyman earned an A. B. in history from Boston University. He then went on and earned his Ph. D. in history from Harvard University. Wyman then began to teach history and was the chairman of the Judaic studies program at the University of Massachusetts. He has written other books such as Paper Walls: America and the Refugee Crisis; A Race Against Death: Peter Bergson, America, and the Holocaust; and was an editor of The World Reacts to the Holocaust. See more: Foot Binding In China essay David S. Wyman seems to be very educated on the topic of Judaic information, including the Holocaust. He now has his own institution to educate people on the Holocaust and America’s involvement; it is called the David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies. Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust, was taken place during World War II in 1941-1945. The author, David S. Wyman, covers many topics and discussions to why Jews could have been saved by America and its, could have been, involvement. The author has many different reasons why he believes America could have helped save the Jews; all the way from the Roosevelt Administration to bombing the railway that led to the Auschwitz concentration camp. The author’s central argument: David S. Wyman’s argument included that if the United States had a serious commitment to help rescue and save the Jews of Europe that the United States could have aided in saving several hundred thousands of the Jews that fell under Nazi command. Wyman helped support his thesis by using several books, the one most common that he cited from was Bauer. This was a secondary source because it a book from another Historian. â€Å"Although Roosevelt did not agree to the call for retaliation against Germany, he again warned the Axis, on August 21, 1942, that perpetrators of war crimes would be tried after Germany’s defeat and face fearful retribution. † (pg 29) In the second chapter of the book Wyman focus’ on how America acknowledged the war but did little to step in and help prevent it or help the Jewish people find refuge. The chapter highlights the conversations and the thoughts of many of the world’s leaders and their thoughts on the upcoming war. Many countries wanted to wash their hands of the situation, or they wanted to help with the minimal amounts of troops and money invested, particularly the British. Another point that supports our author’s thesis is the outside countries also closed their door to all immigrants making it nearly impossible for the Jews to enter the country even if they managed to escape the Nazis. We had relief organizations overseas to help apply for visas and to provide food, water and clothing. Because we failed to open our doors to immigrants many died in the refugee camps. The ones that did make it through the unlivable conditions and diseases had other issues to worry about. Whatever stability and support the Jews found in France was quickly diminished as Germany came in and had â€Å"round-ups† collecting all the people in camps and sending them to their death. They were essentially sitting ducks in France wishing and hoping for freedom and fearful because they were still so close to death. This information came from the Overseas Files. â€Å"The deportations were devastating on a person level, even before people realized that evacuation meant murder by gas. † (pg 34) This was a primary source because it was a diary article of a woman working at the camp. A family that had done everything possible to escape from the Nazi grasp, ended up separated. At first the children lived but eventually it was all a massacre. The children that did escape tried to find their parents at a later time 2 and many just received return letters stamped, parti sans addresse, which means destination unknown. David S. Wyman used the New York Times often in the writing and research for this book. He found many articles that involved interviews with congressmen during the times of stress in and the lack of involvement from the United States. One of the articles helped the author show the lack of concern for the Jewish victims in Europe. As Roosevelt just talked about how the Nazis and others would be â€Å"tried after Germany’s defeat and face ‘fearful retribution’. † Not one time did Roosevelt mention the fate of the European Jews. The author also used the Am Jewish Congress; Am Jewish Congress Papers multiple times in this book. One showed the support and protests that came from the American Jewish Congress’s â€Å"Stop Hitler Now† campaign. It was a mass meeting that started off on March 1, 1943. It was support that combined efforts and was able to buy a full page advertisement in the New York Times that stated, â€Å"America Must Act Now! † I thought this book was very intriguing. Although sometimes my reading level was not up to par to fully understand what was going on or just that fact that maybe not all of my attention was devoted to reading at that time. I enjoyed the book, but I am also a person that enjoys learning about the Holocaust and would rather learn about that than do a lot of things. I feel like the book was written for the general public because I think the author’s purpose was to educate the United States people of how we may have â€Å"turned our backs. † I would recommend this book to anyone that wants to educate themselves on a difficult but intriguing topic. I would not say that it is a â€Å"must read,† but it is a book that can be read by many different individuals.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Relationship Between Christianity and Slavery in America Essay

African-American Religion It can be assumed that Christianity shaped slave culture in several ways such as developing a common bond among slaves. At the some time, it could also be argued that slavery altered Christianity in various ways including the formation of Methodist and Baptist denominations. However, these were not the only manners in which both cultures had an effect on each other. Black converts dramatically increased the number of Christians in the New World. The ideas instilled in slaves by Christianity gave some slaves thoughts of rebellion and influenced African-American music and dance. Not to mention the church was a major supporter of the proslavery argument which conveyed slavery as a positive thing during the antebellum period of the United States. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the majority of slave brought to the new world were young men who were mostly not especially religious. Very few Africans had previously obtained Christian beliefs prior to being shipped from Africa to the New World. The majority of slaves were, in fact, followers of...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Reaction Paper on Vampires Essay

Vampire movies always have lots of fans, and of course, I’m a vampire film fan, too. In the past, vampires looked so scary: they were old, extremely ugly, knows nothing but killing†¦ Nowadays, however, people start to make vampires more â€Å"human†(and sometimes they are made even better than human beings): They are so good-looking they have breath-taking faces, they have sexy figures; they are immortal  they won’t die because they are too â€Å"old†, in other words, they are undead. They still looked young even thought they are hundreds years old; they have so many superpowers they read minds, they move as fast as wind, they are unbelievably strong. Now people even made vampires know more than just hunting like animals they know romance as well, they will fall in love with like human do†¦ I think this might be one of the reasons why people love vampire movies that much: because we find that our dreams (which can never come true in real life) come true in these movies. Reverse Psychology† is often used on children, through which parents let their children to do something by telling them †don’t do this. † This is because children are more likely to respond orders with reactance. In the movie â€Å"let the right one in†, when Eli and Oskar first met, Eli told Oskar â€Å"I can’t be your friend†. But obviously, Oskar didn’t have a clear desire to make friends with Eli. Eli started stating a negative in order to achieve her positive goal. And this is the use of reverse psychology. Based on the film notes, Eli’s intentions regard the function of Oskar is a replacement of Hakan. But even after reading the film notes, I still feel that Eli’s ultimate goal with Oskar is not just for finding someone to kill people and get blood for her. For me, Eli is just trying to have a friend who can keep her company. It’s easy to tell that Eli’s attitude towards Oskar is totally different from that to Hakan, she cares about Oskar (at least for me it is). At the beginning I thought Hakan is the father of Eli, but later on I found he’s more likely to be someone who helps Eli finding â€Å"food†. He might used to be Eli’s lover, but that’s just a guess, because there might be other reasons why he chose to take care of Eli. For example, he might be the one who cause Eli’s changing into a vampire, he feel guilty so that he chose to stay with her. According to the notes, at first Eli tried to sense Oskar as a potential serial killer, then she took control of Oskar’s self-image†¦Assume that Eli is a pedophile, she might keep Oskar, a young boy with her and replace Hakan, who’s no longer useful to her. In this film, the uncanny ability is shown to audiences over and over again, and it presents that love is just an excuse, which is used to disguise the subliminal reality of objectification and exploitation. By looking at the way Oskar dresses and behavior, we can tell that Oskar is an effeminate personality in this movie. I think that’s why the boys enjoy making fun of him. I thought that the reason why Oskar didn’t ever fight back is because he is so cowardice that he’s afraid that they might hit him harder if he fights back. But the note assumes that Oskar is actually sublimating his unconscious sexual attraction by allowing himself to be victimized. I think that because the group of bad boys always attacked Oskar and he couldn’t get any help from someone else, so he was mentally ill already. He had a strong desire of revenging but he didn’t have the â€Å"courage† to do so. He wants to kill people if it is allowed. Just because he knows that he cannot do it, he transferred his inner desire of killing to collecting the newspaper clippings on murder. I think his too cowardice. When I first watched this movie and saw Eli asked Oskar to teach her how to play the Rubrik’s cube, I didn’t think too much about this. But after reading the notes, it shows me that Rubrik’s cube might be one of the tools Eli use to achieve her subterfuge (which is to get close to Oskar). I think because Eli is a vampire who cannot live without drinking human’s blood, so it’s better for her to live in a lower class apartment so that she won’t catch people’s attention, otherwise she will get into trouble so easily. In a telling scene, we saw Eli’s naked groin with a horizontal suture, which means Eli was a boy but castrated by someone.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Alexander the Great from Macedonia Essay

The cuisine of th Middle East has the same similarities as that of the Greeks for many reasons. According to history, Alexander the Great from Macedonia which is also known as Greece of today’s world came to the Middle East in the 300 BC. This brought about many Greco influences into the lives of the Middle East people. Moreover, during the Roman Empire, the Greeks brought sweets and fruits to th region. As a matter of fact, there has been a continued trade of spices between the two regions that it has become a the spice center of the world. At the same time, the religion of the Middle east has a dominant role to play in their food traditions. Christianity in particular came from the Greek tradition. In Israel, the cuisine is considered to be international because of the diverse immigrants in the country. These immigrants range from countries like Greece to Turkey to Spain and to North Africa which influenced the way Israelites cook and prepare their food. At the same time, the North African cuisine such as that of Libya, Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia share similarities with most the Arabic tradition because of the Islamic conquest that happened in the 7th century. Most of their cuisines are influenced by the Arabs and the aboriginal peoples of the the region which are called Berbers. In addition, Egypt has large influence geographically. It is situated in North Africa which carries with it an Arabic tradition and culture. North Africa has always been considered Middle Eastern and Mediterranean in nature because of its geographical location. 4. Four of the most famous food in West Africa are Yassa, Sauce Canny, Diebou Dien, and Yam. The Yassa is made out of chicken or lamb with a citrus or a lime in it as a flavoring. It could also be made with fish or vegetables. The saucy Canny is made out of onions, garlics, and shallots which is mainly used as an accompaniment to may of West Africa’s dishes. The Deibou Dien is composed of fresh and dried fish with onions and tomatoes. It also has as many vegetables as possible such as an eggplant, a manioc, turnips, white radish, cabbage, and carrots. In East Africa, the common foods are Niker Kebboh and Alecha. Niter Kebboh is made up of butter with spices like ginger, garlic, and cinnamon. Alecha on one hand is a stew made of chicken or beef or other kinds of meat. It is accompanied with bread. It is usually dipped into the spicy dishes and once its already soaked up the it is lifted into the mouth. 5.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Losing the War on Drugs essays

Losing the War on Drugs essays America is spending millions of dollars to run ad campaigns with teenage waifs smashing up the kitchen with frying pans, brain fried egg commercials, and other inaccurate and misleading ads put fear into our nations youth and adults alike. One such ad showed a flat line brain scan purportedly hooked up to a drug user. It was later proven that it was hooked up to nothing and most of our nations kids now know it. Seeing the "Land of the Free" turn into a nation that imprisons more of its citizens than any other industrialized nation on earth is neither effective or a good message to send our children. We are building 9 new prisons for every one new university( ). Which do you want built for your children? In this country, we are locked in war we simply cannot win. We strive to protect over 10,000 miles of border, against enemies who are driven by the lure of an obscene really resulted from this war is the overcrowding of prisons, the expansion of law and distrust. If its not obvious already, I am referring to the war on drugs. As time goes on, it becomes more and more evident that the war on drugs is as useless as officials, who use the war as a reelection tool. To study this problem, I visited government web pages for statistics and facts dealing with the war, and was surprised what I found. To most people the fiscal reasons for ending the war are the most convincing. For example, it costs over $30,000 per year to house a prisoner - this does not include processing and legal fees, only the actual prison costs - food, water, electricity and guards ( ). There are over 1.5 million non-violent drug law offenders in prison right now, and this number is increasing daily( ). That means we are spending a minimum of $45 billion per year keeping former tax-paying citizens, most of whom had jobs and were contributing to the economy in some way, locked up with murderers and rapists. When these pe...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Definition and Examples of Acrolects

Definition and Examples of Acrolects In sociolinguistics, acrolect is a creole variety that tends to command respect because its grammatical structures do not deviate significantly from those of the standard variety of the language. Adjective: acrolectal. Contrast with basilect, a language variety that is significantly different from the standard variety. The term mesolect refers to intermediate points in the post-creole continuum.The term acrolect was introduced in the 1960s by William A. Stewart and later popularized by linguist Derek Bickerton in Dynamics of a Creole System (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1975) Observations Acrolects . . . are better described as linguistic innovations characterized by the incorporation of linguistic features which have their origin in the contact situation itself. Unlike standard languages, acrolects usually have no overt set of linguistic norms and are pragmatically motivated (i.e. depend on the formality of the situation). In other words, the concept of the acrolect is both absolute (on the level of the speech community) and relative (on the level of the individual) . . ..(Ana Deumert, Language Standardization and Language Change: The Dynamics of Cape Dutch. John Benjamins, 2004) Varieties of British English Spoken in Singapore For [Derek] Bickerton, an acrolect refers to the variety of a creole that has no significant difference from Standard English, often spoken by the most educated speakers; the mesolect has unique grammatical features that distinguish it from Standard English; and the basilect, often spoken by the least educated people of the society, has very significant grammatical difference.In reference to Singapore, [Mary W.J.] Tay points out that the acrolect has no significant grammatical differences from Standard British English and typically differs in vocabulary only by extending the meaning of existing words, for example, using the word bungalow to refer to a two-storied building. The mesolect, on the other hand, has a number of unique grammatical features such as the dropping of some indefinite articles and the lack of plural marking on some count nouns. Also, there are several loan words from Chinese and Malay. The basilect has more significant differences such as copula deletion and do-de letion within direct questions. It is also characterized by the use of words that are typically considered slang or colloquialisms.(Sandra Lee McKay, Teaching English as an International Language: Rethinking Goals and Approaches. Oxford Univ. Pres, 2002) Varieties of American English Spoken in Hawaii Hawaiian Creole is now in a state of decreolization (with English structures slowly replacing the original creole structures). In other words, one may observe in Hawaii an example of what linguists call a post-creole continuum: SAE, which is taught in schools, is the acrolect, that is, the socially prestigious lect, or language variant, at the top of social hierarchy. At the bottom socially is the basilect- heavy pidgin or more accurately heavy creole, a lect least influenced by SAE, usually spoken by people of low economic and social status who had very little education and very little chance to learn the acrolect in school. Between the two there is a continuum of mesolects (in between variants) which range from being very close to the acrolect to those which are very close to the basilect. Many people in Hawaii control various parts of this continuum. For example, most educated, professional people born in Hawaii, able to speak SAE at work in the office, switch to Hawaiian Creole w hen relaxing at home with friends and neighbors. (Anatole Lyovin, An Introduction to the Languages of the World. Oxford Univ. Press, 1997)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Response of Grass to Chemical Fertilizers Research Paper

Response of Grass to Chemical Fertilizers - Research Paper Example Do not put any fertilizer in pot E-1, 2 & 3 (Control). 6. Place all pots in lighted area 7. Water plants daily at noon or arrange automatic drip irrigation system 8. Measure plants at noon at 10 days intervals with ruler and record in notebook in units of millimeters for 50 days 9. Uproot 5 plants randomly from each pot at 5 days interval and record the oven dry weight for 50 days. Observations /Results: The data were analyzed by using statistical method for test of significance at 1% and / or 5% level of significance. In this experiment there are 5 treatments i.e 15-15-15, 46-0-0, 0-16-0, 0-0-60 and no fertilizer (Control) were replicated thrice resulting in 15 experimental units (pots).The design required is Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Table-1: Grass height (mm) at 10 DAS as affected by types of chemical fertilizers. Replications Treatments Replication Total Mean I II III 15-15-15 16 15 17 48 16 46-0-0 11 13 11 35 11.7 0-16-0 10 9 10 29 9.7 0-60-0 10 11 10 31 10.3 Control (No fertilizer) 9 10 8 27 9 Total 56 58 56 170 11.33 NB: DAS- Days after sowing Like wise all data for next dates recording grass height i.e. at 20DAS, 30DAS, 40DAS and finally 50DAS were analyzed by using CRD. Then the F value in ANOVA table is compared with the table value and then the significance is measured at 1% and / or 5% level. Finally the plant heights for all dates of observation are arranged in a single table for result discussion and conclusion. Table-6: Grass height (mm) as affected by fertilizer types at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50DAS DAS Treatments 10 20 30 40 50 15-15-15 16 25 38 48 56 46-0-0 11.7 16.3 19.6 24.5 29.2 0-16-0 9.7 12.9 14.8 15.9 18.6 0-0-60 10.3 13.4 15.3 18.3 19.5 Control (No fertilizer) 9 11.4 13.5 14.6 19.1 CD... The data were analyzed by using statistical method for test of significance at 1% and / or 5% level of significance. In this experiment there are 5 treatments i.e 15-15-15, 46-0-0, 0-16-0, 0-0-60 and no fertilizer (Control) were replicated thrice resulting in 15 experimental units (pots).The design required is Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Like wise all data for next dates recording grass height i.e. at 20DAS, 30DAS, 40DAS and finally 50DAS were analyzed by using CRD. Then the F value in ANOVA table is compared with the table value and then the significance is measured at 1% and / or 5% level. If the mean difference between 5 treatments was more than the CD then the application of chemical fertilizer did not have any significant effect on the grass height and they were at par with each other. If the difference exceeds the CD value then the treatments were different from each other or in other words the application of fertilizer was having significant effect on the grass height and dry matter accumulation. My original hypothesis was that application of chemical fertilizer (15-15-15) to soil would be better over the control. My results showed that application of chemical fertilizer was having significant effect on the grass height and dry matter accumulation over the same period of growth.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Oxygen cycle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Oxygen cycle - Essay Example Human processes like power generation, industrial processes and combustion engine all require heavy amount of oxygen. In fact, besides the demand of living organisms, vehicles require and power generation units have the second highest demand and consumption of oxygen. Photosynthesis, a process through which plants produce their own food with the help of sun light, is the process that replenishes oxygen in the atmosphere. Photosynthesis is the only natural process that produces oxygen to cover its shortage due to respiration and human energy needs. Large forests constantly produce oxygen and maintain its balance in the environment. Photosynthesis not only occurs on land but also in the seas and oceans, where marine plants produce oxygen not only for the marine life but also of the land creatures (Cloud and Gibor, 1970). Estimates by walker (1980) suggest that annual gain in oxygen, as the result of photosynthesis, is about 30,000 X 1010 Kg. In which, 16,500 X 1010 Kg is the gain in oxygen due to land photosynthesis, while; 13,500 X 1010 Kg gain in oxygen due to oceanic photosynthesis. Other processes like photolysis of nitrogen dioxide and water also contribute in producing oxygen. However, the contribution of both the photolysis processes is very little as compared to that of the photosynthesis (Walker,

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Short Answers 1. ULTRA 2. Marshall Gregori Zhukov 3.General George C Essay

Short Answers 1. ULTRA 2. Marshall Gregori Zhukov 3.General George C. Marshall 4. Anzio 5. Operation Fortitude 6.Kursk 7.The Fal - Essay Example 2. Marshal Georgi Zhukov was the leading Red Army strategist behind Soviet victories at Moscow, Stalingrad and at Berlin. He was instrumental in developing defensive strategies that led to the Germans’ defeat. A leading member of the Stavka, Zhukov â€Å"more than any other one man was responsible for the formulation and implementation of Soviet strategy.†? His victory at Moscow and subsequent counter-offensive at Stalingrad devastated the Wehrmacht and turned the war in the Soviets’ favor after a string of near-catastrophic losses during the early weeks of Operation Barbarossa. After driving the Nazis out of Russia, Zhukov ultimately led the Red Army to victory in 1945 at Berlin, taking the city despite fierce resistance. (Name) 3 3. General George C. Marshall was in large part architect of the Allies’ victory in World War 2. As the grand organizer of the Allies’ war effort, he orchestrated the invasion of the European continent. He also managed th e massive U.S. war effort on two fronts, balancing the need for overwhelming manpower and materiel between Europe and the Pacific. Ultimately, Marshall was â€Å"responsible for the building, supplying, and, in part, the deploying of over eight million soldiers.†? After the war, the Marshall Plan became the blueprint for recovery in Europe and set the stage for subsequent prosperity in Western Europe. Marshall was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1953. 4. Anzio, the battle subsequent to Operation Shingle, was an attempt by the Allies to outflank the German army and free the road to Rome. Strategically, the Allies sought to liberate Italy but were facing stalemate north of Naples.4 Despite a successful landing, the Americans and British were pinned down by the Germans but managed to hold the beachhead, finally breaking through to Rome and liberating the city. The fighting at Anzio occupied German troops that could not be committed to the defense of Normandy on D-Day, with the Germans eventually committing approximately 80,000 additional troops to the defense of Italy. 5. Operation Fortitude was the name the Allies used for a campaign of deception prior to the Normandy landings. Aimed at keeping the Wehrmacht off balance and confused, it led the German high command to believe that the Allied landing would take place at Pas de Calais. Ultimately, the objective of Operation Fortitude was to keep (Name) 4 the Germans from concentrating their forces in Normandy. One of the war’s most successful deception campaigns, Operation Fortitude had the desired effect: â€Å"As a result, (the Germans) embarked on relatively few defensive preparations, mostly along the Pas de Calais on the Channel Coast north of the River Seine.†5 6. The Battle of Kursk technically marked the end of the German initiative in the eastern war. From a tactical standpoint, the Soviet victory at Kursk was a triumph of the Red Army’s use of â€Å"redundant† defen se, or defense in depth, which utilized a devastating and meticulous combination of artillery, tank units and other defensive weapons. This approach proved the undoing of the Wehrmacht’s famous Blitzkrieg approach to offensive warfare. Designed to overwhelm a foe in a single massive stroke, the German Blitzkrieg broke against a series of Russian defensive positions. â€Å"

Monday, October 28, 2019

Banking Reforms in India Essay Example for Free

Banking Reforms in India Essay Cash reserve Ratio (CRR) is the amount of funds that the banks have to keep with the RBI. If the central bank decides to increase the CRR, the available amount with the banks comes down. The RBI uses the CRR to drain out excessive money from the system. Commercial banks are required to maintain with the RBI an average cash balance, the amount of which shall not be less than 3% of the total of the Net Demand and Time Liabilities (NDTL), on a fortnightly basis and the RBI is empowered to increase the rate of CRR to such higher rate not exceeding 20% of the NDTL. What is Reverse Repo rate? Reverse Repo rate is the rate at which the RBI borrows money from commercial banks. Banks are always happy to lend money to the RBI since their money are in safe hands with a good interest. An increase in reverse repo rate can prompt banks to park more funds with the RBI to earn higher returns on idle cash. It is also a tool which can be used by the RBI to drain excess money out of the banking system. What is a Repo Rate? The rate at which the RBI lends money to commercial banks is called repo rate. It is an instrument ofmonetary policy. Whenever banks have any shortage of funds they can borrow from the RBI. A reduction in the repo rate helps banks get money at a cheaper rate and vice versa. The repo rate in India is similar to the discount rate in the US.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Terraforming Essay -- Argumentative Environment Essays Persuasive

Terraforming Terraforming has been explored in science fiction for years, but improving technology, along with concerns such as population growth and expenditure of natural resources, are causing terraforming to become a possibility. Population growth is the most obvious reason for terraforming. The world’s population is expected to rise steadily for the next 50 years; although the rate of population growth decreases slightly each year, the world population is estimated to increase by about half its current size between 2004 and 2050 (1). Barring any disaster that could cause a dramatic population decrease, humans will eventually overrun the amount of space available on Earth. Another concern is the availability of the Earth’s natural resources. Humans use Earth’s resources for energy and commodities. According to the Living Planet Report 2002, approximately 20% more resources than can be naturally replenished are harvested from the Earth each year. If this rate continues, tw o Earths would be required to supply resources by the year 2050; if the rate of overconsumption increases, resources will run out even sooner (2). These figures indicate that humans must find another source of resources to support themselves. Successful attempts at terraforming would have huge social consequences for humanity. A parallel could be drawn between settling another planet and the settlement of the American colonies. There could be wars between countries to claim the territory similar to those waged in the so-called â€Å"New World†. Also, a new government would have to be established to bring order to the new territory. A colony on another planet would probably become an elitist colony. Only powerful countries would be able to afford to partake in ... ...maturity in a necessary time frame for maximum effectiveness. References 1. 2004. Total Midyear Population for the World: 1950-2050. 2. Loh, Jonathan. 2002, Living Planet Report 2002. The UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre 3. Giroux, Marx. 2004, Ask an Expert 4. Halliday, Resnick, Walker. 2004, Fundamentals of Physics. Seventh Edition. Pg. A4 5. 6. 7.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

International Politics Essay

Transformation—is one of the few words which could be used in order to define and describe the current situation of the international community. In every parts of the world, transformation is currently occurring from the simple acquisition of one product to another. Such situation could be one of the few examples of the changes which are present in the current society. In the modern society, boundaries and limits had now been erased due to the technology including the issues facing most states in the global community. The past limitation of states in surpassing territorial boundaries of their own state is now removed. Such hindrances are not a concern any longer. The gaps in which divides states are now being linked therefore making each and everyone of us connected. The far away lands of Africa or Europe could now be reached through one click of a button. The then complicated processes of communication as well as the process of international relations had changed due to globalization. The process of globalization became a significant change in the relations of states. In addition, states are not only the actors in the international community. The active participation of non-state actors had been highlighted in the past events which had recently occurred such as wars, conflicts and environmental phenomenon. In the past such as the events of the World War I, nations were the only actors in the war. Decisions were only influenced by the leaders of the states involved. Although international organizations were present in providing aid to the victims of the war, they were not equally involved in the decision making process. But as these events unfold, it is evident that international organizations are similarly participating with the political issues at hand. In the principle of realism, the main actors were only states however; in the view of the liberalism theory, other actors such that of international organizations, trans-national organizations, multinational corporations and the likes. In the book of Baylis and Smith, the authors stated that in â€Å"Realists emphasize states’ ruthlessly self-interested search for territorial, military and economic resources† (Baylis and Smith, 2008). On the other hand, Liberalism or Idealism pursues to promote internationalism during the inter-war period (Baylis and Smith, 2008). The theory of liberalism’s main idea is to attach government together with good governance which will create a connection between states and the societies of the global community. Liberalism promotes the need for the world to unite and commune with the issues of the international community equally. However, unlike the liberalism, realists approach the view of internationalism is translated as anarchy. (Baylis and Smith, 2008) Evidently, the world is already shifting and adopting another form of ideology other than realism which was mainly utilized in the past. In the inter-war years, the liberalist theorists started to promote their perspective in which advocates that international institutions should encourage the values of having order, justice, liberty and toleration within the relationship of states. It was believed in such theory that the conflicts between states could not only be resolved through the use of force and warfare. International institutions or organizations much act as mediators when conflicts are at hand. In addition, such international institutions must be the area of discussion for the reason that it could create other actions in resolving disputes in a much objective manner. Therefore, the liberalists were able to influence every state in creating an international organization which lead to the creation of the League of Nations in which became the fundamental foundation of the United Nations. Although the ideas of the liberalists were idealistic, each state must be a member of the organization in order to fully accomplish and pursue the goals of the international organization. (Baylis and Smith, 2008) In our changing world, the past conflicts and issues of a state are realized to also be affecting the world. The recent war on terror had been actively participated by different states in order to deter the effects of terrorism. After the war on terror, many states changes their view point which such situations—following the chief state which proclaimed the war. The war on terror became a global issue due to the involvement of different states. Additionally, international organizations became a great factor in such war. The war in Afghanistan for example, the United Nations became one of the main decision maker and supporter of the war. The United Nations launched protocols and written agendas in order to promote action against the cruel ruling and the storage of the weapons of mass destruction of Saddam Hussein. In the incident given, the United Nations played a great role in encouraging and promoting in the issue against terrorism. United Nations became one of the main actors is countering against terrorism unlike in the past. (Bredel, 2003) Another issue which is currently in debate until this day is the issues concerning the global environment—climate change. This issue is one of the most controversial and debated issues because it is one of the problems of the world which passes the boundaries of states. Climate change not only affects the climate and the environment but also the politics and economics of each state. One of the few very specific problems under climate change is pollution. Pollution had been a great problem for different states for the reason that it encompasses the boundaries of states. It is known that most industries or factory excretes smoke which turns out to be air pollutants due to the machineries used to create products and the likes. Water pollution also has the same situation for the reason that it flows although out different forms of water and continuously flow to the water of other states. The problem obviously passes through the limitation of the international law and protocols available. The problem becomes a trans-national issue that requires states to cooperate and coordinate with each other in order to solve such crisis. With the issue of climate change, trans-national entities are the most reliable organizations in laying down such issues. Trans-national organizations provide states a much immediate and larger picture of the issue. Due to the personality of trans-national organization, different organizations that aim for the same goals as others come together to be able to solve the dilemmas at hand. With the issue of climate change, the main agent which is very much focused is the United Nations. The international organization created a branch which focuses on the issues of environment which is the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The branch of United Nations provides answer to the needs of each state in order to address the problem. The UNEP together with the states and other organizations with the same advocacy such as Green Peace and other local organizations with in the various states to be able to provide answer to the issue. The role of non-state actors and trans-national networks had become significant in the international community due to the promotion of international organization during crisis. The power given to non-state actors as well as trans-national networks enable these agencies to freely interfere with the conflicts of states and within states. Therefore, these groups provide their own view points, influencing states and individuals with their perspective. Most of the time, such organizations changes the civil society which then results to the change of the government. One example that could be cited is the pursuance of NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) in Asia to promote change in the civil society, therefore promoting development within the society. It is stated by Harriet Bulkeley and Michele Merrill Betsill (2005) in their book that â€Å"the international, regional, national and local interact â€Å"with actors influencing the activities of different levels simultaneously† (cited in O’ Riordan and Jordan 1996). With the statement given by the authors, it is evident that the role of non-state actors as well as trans-national organization is equally important as the responsibility of states. Therefore, the international order is changed due to the additional actors that are also acting in the international community. Currently, the international community is evidently reliant to non-state actors as well as to the trans-national networks due to the important role that it is undertaking with conflicts and decision making processes of a state. Non-state actors and trans-national networks had become one of the main components of international relations whether it may be in conflict resolution or in times of celebration. Such groups empower and support positive ideology due to the idealistic nature of most non-state and trans-national networks. The usual â€Å"state-only† theory had now been changed into a new form of relations of states which brings together actors that has the same goals to attain making the relations of states peaceful. Although most non-state actors and trans-national networks aims to create a united international community, there are also groups alike that promotes otherwise. One well known group is the Al-Qaeda which seeks to promote terror and violence from the eyes of most states. Although Al-Qaeda is seen as an extremist group in promoting change, it is also considered a trans-national network for the reason that it encompasses the boundaries of its home state and promotes their ideology to the world. The group creates networks in different parts of the world while maintaining a balance relation with other networks associated to the group. Due to the negative effects they such trans-national network is creating; it definitely changes the order of the international community. Not only it brings terror to the whole global community but the group promotes division and conflict within the global society. (Pearlstein, 2004) In conclusion, the issues that the international community is facing are now crossing the boundaries of states such that of the terrorism and climate change. There is a need for states to get together and resolve such dilemma. Therefore, trans-national networks and non-state actors play a vital role in resolving such problems. The non-state and trans-national networks are the best area for the resolution of such conflicts because objectiveness within the situation is achieved. The international community sets the non-states actors and trans-national networks as the one of the numerous vital actors in the global community. The participation of such actors promotes the unity of the whole international community in times of crisis or triumph. References Baylis J. , Smith S. , & Owens, P. Eds.(2008). The Globalization of World Politics: An introduction to International Relations. New York: Oxford University Press. Bredel, R. (2003). Long-term Conflict Prevention and Industrial Development: The United Nations and Its Specialized Agency, UNIDO. Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Bulkeley, H. , and Betsill, M. M. (2005). Cities and Climate Change: Urban Sustainability and Global Environmental Governance. London: Routledge. Pearlstein, R. M. (2004). Fatal Future? : Transnational Terrorism and the New Global Disorder. Texas:University of Texas Press.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dare to Dream Essay

Batangas is a first class province of the Philippines located on the southwestern part of Luzon in the CALABARZON region. Its capital is Batangas City and it is bordered by the provinces of Cavite and Laguna to the north and Quezon to the east. Across the Verde Island Passages to the south is the island of Mindoro and to the west lies the South China Sea. Poetically, Batangas is often referred to by its ancient name Kumintang. Batangas is one of the most popular tourist destinations near Metro Manila. The province has many beaches and is famous for excellent diving spots including Anilao in Mabini, Sombrero Island in Tingloy, Ligpo Island in Bauan, these areas more popularly known as Anilao. Matabungkay in Lian, Punta Fuego in Nasugbu, Calatagan and Laiya in San Juan. Batangas is also where Taal Volcano, one of the Decade Volcanoes is located. It is also where the Taal Heritage town lies, a small picturesque town that has ancestral houses and structures dating back to the 19th century. The first recorded name of the Province was Kumintang, after the Datu who inherited the dominion from Datu Balensusa. Its centre, the present day Balayan, was the most progressive town of the Province and the traditional centre of governance. Later, as the eruption of the Taal Volcano destroyed a significant portion of the town, the provincial centre was transferred to Taal, which was then called Bonbon and the name of the province was changed after that of the town. The term batangan means a raft, the people used so that they could fish in the nearby Taal Lake. It also meant the numerous logs found in the Calumpang River, the body of water that runs through the northeastern portion of the town and assumes the shape of a tuning fork. Batangas is a combination of plains and mountains, including the world’s smallest volcano, Mt. Taal, with an elevation of 600 meters, located in the middle of the Taal Lake. Batangas also has many islands, including Tingloy, Verde Island(Isla Verde), Fortune Island of Nasugbu.Although attached to the big Island of Luzon, Batangas boasts of flora and fauna that is distinctively theirs. The local tree malabayabas is endemic to the province alone while the endangered flying fox thrives there without fear. Batangas is also home to the kabag, one of the world’s smallest fruit bat. In the Municipality of Nasugbu, wild deers are still inhabiting the remote areas of Baranggay Looc. But although Batangas has these land flying mammals, marine wildlife remains to be the province’s crowning glory. In fact, in the second half of 2006, scientists from the United States discovered that the Sulu-Sulawesi Triangle has its centre at the Isla Verde Passage, a part of the province. According to this study, made by the American Marine Biologist Dr. Kent Carpentier, Batangas Seas host more than half of the world’s species of coral reefs. It is also home to dolphins and once in a while, a passage of the world’s biggest fish the whale shark or the butanding, as the locals call it. Batangas also has other industries that makes it famous not only in the country but also in the world. More than anything else, Batangas is known for its fan knife, called balisong by the natives. This industry has become so famous that an urban legend exists about every Batangueà ±o carrying a balisong everywhere they go. This is also the reason why most Filipinos would warn never to mess with a Batangueà ±o. Pineapples are also common in the province. Aside from the fruit, the leaves are also useful that it becomes an industry of its own. In the Municipality of Taal, pineapple leaves are being processed to be a kind of cloth known as the gusi. This is further processed to become the Barong Tagalog, the National Costume of the Philippines. In fact, the Barong Tagalog that was used by the heads of states in the last Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation in 1995 was from Batangas. Princess Diana Spencer was also known to possess a scarf made of gusi. Batangas is also known for its livestock industry. Cattle from Batangas is widely sought throughout the country. In fact, the term Bakang Batangas (Batangas Cow) is actually synonymous to the country’s best species of cattle. Indeed, the cattle industry in Batangas is so famous, that every Saturday is an auction day in the Municipalities of San Juan, Bauan and widely-known and famous Padre Garcia every Thursday and Friday. Being near the sea, it is only expected that fishing plays a very important part of the Batangan Economy. Although the tuna industry in the country is mainly centered in General Santos, Batangas is also known for the smaller species of the said fish. The locals even have their own names for the said fish. Some of them include the term, Tambakol,yellow-finned Berberabe, tambakulis, Tulingan, Bonito and another species also called Bonito but actually the Gymnosarda unicolor. There is also an important industry for the Tanigue. Aside from the South China Sea, Taal Lake also provides a source of fresh water fishes to the country. The lake is home to Sardinella tawilis or simply tawilis, a species of freshwater sardine that is endemic to the lake. Taal Lake also provides farmed Chanos chanos or bangus. There is also a good volume of Oreochromis niloticus niloticus and Oreochromis aureus, both locally called tilapia. It is ecologically important to note that neither bangus nor tilapia are native to the lake. Thus they are considered invasive species to the lake. As mentioned in the section of culture, Batangueà ±os are indeed fond of drinking. This is of no surprise as it lies in what is called the coconut belt that is the raw material for the local liqueurs, the lambanog (with 90% proof) and the tuba (which is made of 5.68% alcohol and 13% sugar). Sugar is also a major industry. As a matter of fact, after the Hacienda Luisita, the country’s former largest sugar producer, was broken-up for land reform, the Municipality of Nasugbu has been the home of the current largest sugar producing company, the Central Azucarera Don Pedro. This also means that Batangas is also a home for a wide industry of sweets. Rice cakes are also a strong industry. Last May 7,2011, We, my family and my auntie and her daughter who were just here in the Philippines for a vacation went to a resort in batangas called La Virginia Hotel & Resort, it is set in 6 hectares of secluded grounds yet only 2 hours from downtown Metro Manila. La Virginia offers one of the largest privately-owned natural getaways in Lipa City. The resort is located in the Batangas side ridge around the Taal Lake, it offers breathtaking views of the lake and the Taal Volcano Islands. It is completely surrounded by coconut groves and forests so that is is set in a pristine environment. The resort boasts of five (5) world class swimming pools and a heated jacuzzi for family and personal fun. In that day also, I with my co-vacationist saw a flying 6 jets roaming around who are just from the air based near in the resort. There is a small chapel located inside the resort as well. The resort also offers well-appointed accomodation and picnic facilities for day trippers and extended stay visitors. Well, I will share to you the things that I experience and enjoyed on having a vacation. First, The View of Taal Lake in this nature’s beauty never fails to amaze me. La Virginia Resort offers a generous view of Taal Lake. It brought serenity down to my soul. Naks. But seriously, it did. Second, The Buddha View Deck I had a couple of pictures in front of the huge Buddha statue and when I used one of the photos as my Facebook profile picture, a couple of friends thought I went to Thailand! Nah, it’s one of the best backgrounds there for photo, with family. Make sure you have a picture with the Golden Buddha as your background. Aha! Third, The Ifugao Village, I’m Ilocana and that’s why I have close affinity to what’s there up north; not an Ifugao native though. This part of La Virginia features cottages which resembles the abode in Ifugao. It’s like you’re visiting the Tam-Awan Village in Baguio City. Fourth, The Infinity Pool because it gives you a good spot for the sunset. Imagine swimming in the infinity pool while the sun sets on the horizon. Then we went to the Hanging Bridge, I like bridges because it brings that certain shake on your nerves but at the same time, it challenges you to go on keep walking until you reach the other end. And last, The Tree House, See the best features of La Virginia Resort from the top of the tree house and you’ll wonder how it was landscaped to become what it is now. It was breathtaking up there. Perfect for some more picture taking. I wasn’t able to experience the La Virginia Zipline Rides due to its expensive price and my mother wouldn’t allow me to ride without my father due to his fear and we just went their because of my auntie’s vacation here in the Philippines and lack of time because after their we went to Laguna and explore in Enchanted Kingdom and take some rides.