Thursday, October 24, 2019

International Politics Essay

Transformation—is one of the few words which could be used in order to define and describe the current situation of the international community. In every parts of the world, transformation is currently occurring from the simple acquisition of one product to another. Such situation could be one of the few examples of the changes which are present in the current society. In the modern society, boundaries and limits had now been erased due to the technology including the issues facing most states in the global community. The past limitation of states in surpassing territorial boundaries of their own state is now removed. Such hindrances are not a concern any longer. The gaps in which divides states are now being linked therefore making each and everyone of us connected. The far away lands of Africa or Europe could now be reached through one click of a button. The then complicated processes of communication as well as the process of international relations had changed due to globalization. The process of globalization became a significant change in the relations of states. In addition, states are not only the actors in the international community. The active participation of non-state actors had been highlighted in the past events which had recently occurred such as wars, conflicts and environmental phenomenon. In the past such as the events of the World War I, nations were the only actors in the war. Decisions were only influenced by the leaders of the states involved. Although international organizations were present in providing aid to the victims of the war, they were not equally involved in the decision making process. But as these events unfold, it is evident that international organizations are similarly participating with the political issues at hand. In the principle of realism, the main actors were only states however; in the view of the liberalism theory, other actors such that of international organizations, trans-national organizations, multinational corporations and the likes. In the book of Baylis and Smith, the authors stated that in â€Å"Realists emphasize states’ ruthlessly self-interested search for territorial, military and economic resources† (Baylis and Smith, 2008). On the other hand, Liberalism or Idealism pursues to promote internationalism during the inter-war period (Baylis and Smith, 2008). The theory of liberalism’s main idea is to attach government together with good governance which will create a connection between states and the societies of the global community. Liberalism promotes the need for the world to unite and commune with the issues of the international community equally. However, unlike the liberalism, realists approach the view of internationalism is translated as anarchy. (Baylis and Smith, 2008) Evidently, the world is already shifting and adopting another form of ideology other than realism which was mainly utilized in the past. In the inter-war years, the liberalist theorists started to promote their perspective in which advocates that international institutions should encourage the values of having order, justice, liberty and toleration within the relationship of states. It was believed in such theory that the conflicts between states could not only be resolved through the use of force and warfare. International institutions or organizations much act as mediators when conflicts are at hand. In addition, such international institutions must be the area of discussion for the reason that it could create other actions in resolving disputes in a much objective manner. Therefore, the liberalists were able to influence every state in creating an international organization which lead to the creation of the League of Nations in which became the fundamental foundation of the United Nations. Although the ideas of the liberalists were idealistic, each state must be a member of the organization in order to fully accomplish and pursue the goals of the international organization. (Baylis and Smith, 2008) In our changing world, the past conflicts and issues of a state are realized to also be affecting the world. The recent war on terror had been actively participated by different states in order to deter the effects of terrorism. After the war on terror, many states changes their view point which such situations—following the chief state which proclaimed the war. The war on terror became a global issue due to the involvement of different states. Additionally, international organizations became a great factor in such war. The war in Afghanistan for example, the United Nations became one of the main decision maker and supporter of the war. The United Nations launched protocols and written agendas in order to promote action against the cruel ruling and the storage of the weapons of mass destruction of Saddam Hussein. In the incident given, the United Nations played a great role in encouraging and promoting in the issue against terrorism. United Nations became one of the main actors is countering against terrorism unlike in the past. (Bredel, 2003) Another issue which is currently in debate until this day is the issues concerning the global environment—climate change. This issue is one of the most controversial and debated issues because it is one of the problems of the world which passes the boundaries of states. Climate change not only affects the climate and the environment but also the politics and economics of each state. One of the few very specific problems under climate change is pollution. Pollution had been a great problem for different states for the reason that it encompasses the boundaries of states. It is known that most industries or factory excretes smoke which turns out to be air pollutants due to the machineries used to create products and the likes. Water pollution also has the same situation for the reason that it flows although out different forms of water and continuously flow to the water of other states. The problem obviously passes through the limitation of the international law and protocols available. The problem becomes a trans-national issue that requires states to cooperate and coordinate with each other in order to solve such crisis. With the issue of climate change, trans-national entities are the most reliable organizations in laying down such issues. Trans-national organizations provide states a much immediate and larger picture of the issue. Due to the personality of trans-national organization, different organizations that aim for the same goals as others come together to be able to solve the dilemmas at hand. With the issue of climate change, the main agent which is very much focused is the United Nations. The international organization created a branch which focuses on the issues of environment which is the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The branch of United Nations provides answer to the needs of each state in order to address the problem. The UNEP together with the states and other organizations with the same advocacy such as Green Peace and other local organizations with in the various states to be able to provide answer to the issue. The role of non-state actors and trans-national networks had become significant in the international community due to the promotion of international organization during crisis. The power given to non-state actors as well as trans-national networks enable these agencies to freely interfere with the conflicts of states and within states. Therefore, these groups provide their own view points, influencing states and individuals with their perspective. Most of the time, such organizations changes the civil society which then results to the change of the government. One example that could be cited is the pursuance of NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) in Asia to promote change in the civil society, therefore promoting development within the society. It is stated by Harriet Bulkeley and Michele Merrill Betsill (2005) in their book that â€Å"the international, regional, national and local interact â€Å"with actors influencing the activities of different levels simultaneously† (cited in O’ Riordan and Jordan 1996). With the statement given by the authors, it is evident that the role of non-state actors as well as trans-national organization is equally important as the responsibility of states. Therefore, the international order is changed due to the additional actors that are also acting in the international community. Currently, the international community is evidently reliant to non-state actors as well as to the trans-national networks due to the important role that it is undertaking with conflicts and decision making processes of a state. Non-state actors and trans-national networks had become one of the main components of international relations whether it may be in conflict resolution or in times of celebration. Such groups empower and support positive ideology due to the idealistic nature of most non-state and trans-national networks. The usual â€Å"state-only† theory had now been changed into a new form of relations of states which brings together actors that has the same goals to attain making the relations of states peaceful. Although most non-state actors and trans-national networks aims to create a united international community, there are also groups alike that promotes otherwise. One well known group is the Al-Qaeda which seeks to promote terror and violence from the eyes of most states. Although Al-Qaeda is seen as an extremist group in promoting change, it is also considered a trans-national network for the reason that it encompasses the boundaries of its home state and promotes their ideology to the world. The group creates networks in different parts of the world while maintaining a balance relation with other networks associated to the group. Due to the negative effects they such trans-national network is creating; it definitely changes the order of the international community. Not only it brings terror to the whole global community but the group promotes division and conflict within the global society. (Pearlstein, 2004) In conclusion, the issues that the international community is facing are now crossing the boundaries of states such that of the terrorism and climate change. There is a need for states to get together and resolve such dilemma. Therefore, trans-national networks and non-state actors play a vital role in resolving such problems. The non-state and trans-national networks are the best area for the resolution of such conflicts because objectiveness within the situation is achieved. The international community sets the non-states actors and trans-national networks as the one of the numerous vital actors in the global community. The participation of such actors promotes the unity of the whole international community in times of crisis or triumph. References Baylis J. , Smith S. , & Owens, P. Eds.(2008). The Globalization of World Politics: An introduction to International Relations. New York: Oxford University Press. Bredel, R. (2003). Long-term Conflict Prevention and Industrial Development: The United Nations and Its Specialized Agency, UNIDO. Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Bulkeley, H. , and Betsill, M. M. (2005). Cities and Climate Change: Urban Sustainability and Global Environmental Governance. London: Routledge. Pearlstein, R. M. (2004). Fatal Future? : Transnational Terrorism and the New Global Disorder. Texas:University of Texas Press.

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