Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Short Answers 1. ULTRA 2. Marshall Gregori Zhukov 3.General George C Essay

Short Answers 1. ULTRA 2. Marshall Gregori Zhukov 3.General George C. Marshall 4. Anzio 5. Operation Fortitude 6.Kursk 7.The Fal - Essay Example 2. Marshal Georgi Zhukov was the leading Red Army strategist behind Soviet victories at Moscow, Stalingrad and at Berlin. He was instrumental in developing defensive strategies that led to the Germans’ defeat. A leading member of the Stavka, Zhukov â€Å"more than any other one man was responsible for the formulation and implementation of Soviet strategy.†? His victory at Moscow and subsequent counter-offensive at Stalingrad devastated the Wehrmacht and turned the war in the Soviets’ favor after a string of near-catastrophic losses during the early weeks of Operation Barbarossa. After driving the Nazis out of Russia, Zhukov ultimately led the Red Army to victory in 1945 at Berlin, taking the city despite fierce resistance. (Name) 3 3. General George C. Marshall was in large part architect of the Allies’ victory in World War 2. As the grand organizer of the Allies’ war effort, he orchestrated the invasion of the European continent. He also managed th e massive U.S. war effort on two fronts, balancing the need for overwhelming manpower and materiel between Europe and the Pacific. Ultimately, Marshall was â€Å"responsible for the building, supplying, and, in part, the deploying of over eight million soldiers.†? After the war, the Marshall Plan became the blueprint for recovery in Europe and set the stage for subsequent prosperity in Western Europe. Marshall was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1953. 4. Anzio, the battle subsequent to Operation Shingle, was an attempt by the Allies to outflank the German army and free the road to Rome. Strategically, the Allies sought to liberate Italy but were facing stalemate north of Naples.4 Despite a successful landing, the Americans and British were pinned down by the Germans but managed to hold the beachhead, finally breaking through to Rome and liberating the city. The fighting at Anzio occupied German troops that could not be committed to the defense of Normandy on D-Day, with the Germans eventually committing approximately 80,000 additional troops to the defense of Italy. 5. Operation Fortitude was the name the Allies used for a campaign of deception prior to the Normandy landings. Aimed at keeping the Wehrmacht off balance and confused, it led the German high command to believe that the Allied landing would take place at Pas de Calais. Ultimately, the objective of Operation Fortitude was to keep (Name) 4 the Germans from concentrating their forces in Normandy. One of the war’s most successful deception campaigns, Operation Fortitude had the desired effect: â€Å"As a result, (the Germans) embarked on relatively few defensive preparations, mostly along the Pas de Calais on the Channel Coast north of the River Seine.†5 6. The Battle of Kursk technically marked the end of the German initiative in the eastern war. From a tactical standpoint, the Soviet victory at Kursk was a triumph of the Red Army’s use of â€Å"redundant† defen se, or defense in depth, which utilized a devastating and meticulous combination of artillery, tank units and other defensive weapons. This approach proved the undoing of the Wehrmacht’s famous Blitzkrieg approach to offensive warfare. Designed to overwhelm a foe in a single massive stroke, the German Blitzkrieg broke against a series of Russian defensive positions. â€Å"

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